Achieve Dew point & Dew point stability

Enviromentally friendly & Go green

Excellent separation & Privileged excellence

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    Achieve Dew point & Dew point stability
  • 02
    Enviromentally friendly & Go green
  • 03
    Excellent separation & Privileged excellence

Air Dryers

A significant and critical point is selecting a suitable compressed air dryer for each production unit.

In addition to the waste of capital, the non-expert selection of air dryers can lead to stoppages in production lines.

In selecting an air dryer, the first question that should be asked is how free of humidity the compressed air is required.

Obviously, the higher the expectation of accuracy and quality of filtration, the higher the cost.

The next important question is what paths does the compressed air take after production? Do the pipes pass through the open space?

What changes does the climate face in different seasons of the year? Does it get below zero °C?

All these questions are asked to be able to answer a decisive question, which is, what the dew point should we expect from our dryer?

Refrigeration dryers are not able to provide the dew point below zero. Suppose the climate temperature goes below zero °C. In that case, there is a possibility of freezing the remaining humidity in the lines, which causes the compressed air-consuming systems to stop and cause possible damage.

/ Screw

Air Compressor

Approximately 80 billion liter of air compressed during this years
We’ve manged more than 130 extraordinary projects
We are now a big family of employees exceeding 50

Compressed air quality in terms of being free from humidity depends on the choice of the dew point. The lower the dew point, the drier the air will be. Refrigeration dryers do not have the possibility of providing the dew point below zero °C. We must use absorption dryers if we want the dew point below zero or drier air without humidity.

By offering a different product called absorption dryer, we can provide humidity-free compressed air up to the dew point of -40 °C

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